‘Tyre’d’ of the saga?

The gloves really seem to have come off between the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI) and the Recycling and Development Initiative of South Africa (Redisa) over the waste tyre management plan.
Recently Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, approved Redisa’s tyre recycling plan. However, the RMI had serious concerns, relating not only to the manner in which the Minister took the decision to approve the plan, but the validity of the plan itself. So it took legal action in September. The RMI issued an application in the North Gauteng High Court, which was heard just days before the intended implementation of the Redisa plan. The Court found in favour of the RMI in that grounds for urgency clearly exist, and the case for interim relief is now being heard on November 8 and 9. However, it was ruled that in the meantime, tyre producers would be expected to subscribe to the plan for the period between the two court hearings. The main application for review of the Minister’s decision will, in all probability, only be heard later next year.
Vishal Premlall of the RMI explains the ongoing saga: “The RMI decided to take up this fight on behalf of the industry, mainly because of the speculation that the Redisa plan is fraught with risk and may potentially cost the industry billions of rands.”
However, black business associations have come out in support of Redisa. Nafcoc (the National African Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and Fabcos (the Foundation for African Business and Consumer Services), together with various other SA black business organisations, believe that the plan will not necessarily lead to an increase in the price of tyres and place an unwanted burden on consumers.
Tyre suppliers have responded positively, with major players such as Bandag already supporting the implementation of the legislation.
It will be interesting to see what actually happens now that tyre suppliers have been forced to start implementing the new legislation. FOCUS will keep you posted. Watch this space!
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Focus on Transport