Category:FOCUS on Bus and Coach
The new regulator on the block
The bus and coach industry is slowly recovering from the slump it experienced after the 2010 FIFA World Cup. JACO DE KLERK wonders if...
Rustenburg routed for success
South Africa’s public transport infrastructure is moving in a global direction, with the introduction of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems in cities around the...
Citaro a success in Singapore
… and is the British bus manufacturing industry bouncing back? FRANK BEETON comments on developments in the global bus sector
WoMAN enough?
Guess who keeps things going at MAN Bus & Coach? The ladies, that’s who. GAVIN MYERS spoke to the women at the company’s Olifantsfontein...
Take the scenic route
Clear sunny skies, rolling green hills and the opportunity to travel affordably in comfort. What more could you want? FOCUS takes a peek at...
G7 summits the peak of luxury
Going somewhere cross-country? Forget the airport – Intercape has a rather appealing alternative, as FOCUS has discovered.
Isuzu’s Africa-beating buses
What do you get if you add an Isuzu chassis to a Busmark 2000 bus body? A bus that’s rough, tough and ready to...
BRT – Be Right There?
Government implemented Bus Rapid Transit systems for various reasons, one being alleviation of the ever-increasing traffic congestion on South African roads. JACO DE KLERK...
China’s school bus crisis
Reacting to a high number of school bus accidents, the Chinese central government recently instituted a fast-track review of the regulations relating to these...