Crossroads picks up Chevron award for safety

Crossroads picks up Chevron award for safety

Chevronโ€™s recent conference for hauliers saw the reintroduction of its awards for safety โ€“ driven mainly by its Zero-Zero-One campaign (zero spills, zero incidents, number-one in the hearts and minds of the customer).

Contracted on a 24/7 basis to transport annual volumes of 250 million litres of jet fuel from Milnerton to Cape Town International Airport, Crossroads was one of eight Chevron hauliers judged on safety standards at the conference.

Hauliersโ€™ safety standards are measured on volumes moved and incidents experienced. From bumper bashings and spills to vehicle write-offs and fatalities.

Commenting on the Crossroads award for Best Coastal Haulier, Jeanne Kruger, fuel distribution contract manager says: โ€œItโ€™s all due to our long-standing safety, health, environment and quality (SHEQ) strategy of continual improvement. Weโ€™re obviously Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS) 18001 certified.โ€  

She adds: โ€œAll our vehicles on the contract are fitted with Drive Cam cameras to monitor driversโ€™ behaviour and ensure that every incident, or near-incident, is recorded and analysed and that it becomes the subject of ongoing training. Our drivers also get regular in-class training with emphasis on defensive driving. In addition, driver trainers accompany the drivers and evaluate their driving.โ€

Internal committees conduct annual and quarterly SHEQ audits at Crossroads, and every six months additional audits are carried out on management and operational systems, vehicles and equipment. โ€œThese regular, thorough audits ensure that the highest SHEQ standards are maintained proactively and not reactively,โ€ says Kruger.

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Focus on Transport

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