Cyber safety and security

Cyber safety and security

The International Air Transport Associationโ€™s (IATAโ€™s) newly launched Aviation Cyber Security Toolkit promises to help the air transport industry (including airlines, airports and air traffic management) to identify, assess and mitigate cyber risks in IT infrastructure across its operations.

IATA points out that the aviation industry relies heavily on computer systems in its ground and flight operations. The security of the airline systems can, therefore, directly impact the operational safety and efficiency of the industry.

โ€œThe aviation industry depends on the reliable functioning of essential IT infrastructure,โ€ reiterates Carolina Ramirez, IATAโ€™s global director of aviation security and facilitation.

โ€œWhile the industry has put best practices in place to protect its IT infrastructure, the threat is ever evolving. The Aviation Cyber Security Toolkit provides guidance to help airlines and their partners stay one step ahead of those with intent to do harm through cyber attacks.โ€

The Association states that the toolkit provides a detailed analysis of the current cyber threats and helps airlines and aviation security stakeholders identify ways to protect their critical IT infrastructures.

These include reservation systems, departure control, aircraft maintenance, crew planning and flight management, technologies for electronic flight bags, as well as e-enablement of aircraft and air-traffic management.

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Focus on Transport

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