Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI)

With a membership of 7 800, the RMI provides a very effective collective voice that gives members considerable clout in negotiating better trading conditions. As the leading voice in the motor industry, the RMI is a memberdriven organisation that constantly seeks solutions to concerns raised by members in the day-to-day running of their businesses. Membersโ€™ needs are serviced through six regional offices, manned by 76 professional staff members. In addition, the RMI is the major employer representative of the Motor Industry Bargaining Council, playing a significant role in labour negotiations as well as the industryโ€™s social benefit schemes, dispute resolution processes and exemption procedures.


  • To promote, protect and encourage the interests of members and the motoring public by setting and maintaining proper standards of service and ethical trading conditions in the industry.
  • To facilitate the settlement of disputes between members and employees, or members and the motoring public, by conciliation, mediation or arbitration.
  • To regulate relations between members, their employees and/or trade unions, and protect and further the interests of members in that regard.
  • To promote, support or oppose (when necessary) any proposal, legislature or other measure affecting the interests of members.
  • To participate in the affairs of affiliated bodies, such as NAAMSA, NAACAM, SABS, dti, BUSA, Nedlac, SARS and Customs, that share common interests with RMI members.
  • To maintain a high standard of business ethics and service delivery to the motoring public by members of the RMI and, where necessary, provide upliftment programmes to improve the knowledge and professionalism of members.
  • The RMI continues to be active in addressing BBBEE issues on behalf of members.
  • Development of the informal sector through NAAASP (National African Association of Automobile Service Providers), an association of the RMI.


ACRA (Automotive Component Remanufacturersโ€™ Association); ERA (Engine Remanufacturersโ€™ Association); MDA (Motorcycle Dealersโ€™ Association); MIWA (Motor Industry Workshop Association); RMIPEA (Motor Parts and Equipment Association); NADA (National Automobile Dealersโ€™ Association); NVTA (National Vehicle Testing Association); RMITA (RMI Towing Association); SAPRA (South African Petroleum Retailersโ€™ Association); SAMBRA (South African Motor Body Repairersโ€™ Association); SAVABA (South African Vehicle and Body Buildersโ€™ Association); TDAFA (Tyre Dealersโ€™ and Fitment Centre Association); and NAAASP (National African Association of Automobile Service Providers) โ€“ development members operating informally from previously disadvantaged areas.

Postal address:
P O Box 2940

Tel: 011 789 2542 or 011 886 6300
Fax: 011 789 4525 or 011 886 6700

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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