Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)

BUSA was created in October 2003 through the merger of the Black Business Council and Business South Africa, starting operations in January 2004. The merger created the first truly representative and unified organisation for business in South Africa.

BUSA is a confederation of chambers of commerce and industry, professional associations, corporate associations and unisectorial employers’ organisations. It represents South African business as regards macroeconomic and high level issues on national and international levels. BUSA’s functions are to ensure that business plays a constructive role in the country’s economic growth, development and transformation, and to create an environment in which businesses of all sizes in every sector can thrive, expand and be competitive. As the principal representative of business in South Africa, BUSA represents the views of its members in a number of national structures and bodies, both statutory and non-statutory. BUSA also represents business interests in the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC).

Internationally, BUSA is a member of the International Organisation of Employers, the Pan-African Employers’ Confederation (PEC) and the Southern African Development Community Employers’ Group. BUSA is also the official representative of business within the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the African Union Social Affairs Commission and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Physical address:
1st Floor3 Gwen Lane

Postal address:
P O Box 652807

Tel: 011 784 8000
Fax: 086 609 8248

Published by

Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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