Servicing goes digital

Servicing goes digital

The digital age is moving quickly in the commercial vehicle sphere. Daimler is now taking the world of connectivity to the vehicle service booklet, as evidence of maintenance work undertaken.

From October, Mercedes-Benz Trucks will introduce a Digital Service Booklet (DSB) across its range of trucks in 30 European countries. The DSB will replace the conventional paper-based service book entries and record all maintenance and servicing work on the truck in digital form. A printout can be provided to the customer at any time, upon request.

This immediate and comprehensive data transparency makes it easier for the workshop to log the job, as well as to plan repair and maintenance work, or emissions and safety inspections, and thus shorten the stay in the workshop.

For trucks travelling across borders, away from the home workshop, the DSB allows for straightforward access by the workshop, in their own language, in order to be able to see relevant data and information. The system can be used by all authorised Mercedes-Benz service outlets as well as independent workshops that have registered to do so.

The DSB also proves its worth when a vehicle is sold; giving transparency over completed maintenance work. Its seamless tracking of the vehicle’s mileage provides protection against attempts to manipulate data โ€“ the maintenance history remains verifiable, thus adding to the resale value.

The complete history of each vehicle is stored for the full operating life of the vehicle. In the event of a service report being lost, any authorised Mercedes-Benz workshop is still able to access the information, at any time, and provide information as necessary.

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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