Show and tell
Commercial vehicles are becoming ever more efficient and intelligent as manufacturers and suppliers are continuing to optimise these units … All the issues surrounding commercial vehicles of the future will be discussed at the 65th IAA International Motor Show, which runs from September 25 to October 2.
The topic: Reducing CO₂ Emissions from Road Freight Transport will be explored by a symposium organised jointly by the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) – or, in English, the German Association of the Automotive Industry – the International Road Transport Union and the trade journal Verkehrsrundschau.
Representatives from academia, politics and business will discuss the options for road freight transport that are even more climate-friendly, on September 26 – from 10:00 to 12:30, in Room 3A of the Convention Centre on the Hannover trade fair grounds.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) will be highlighted in the seminar entitled: LNG – The Alternative Fuel for Commercial Vehicles; organised by the VDA and the trade publication Lastauto Omnibus.
The VDA states that LNG is especially attractive because it is highly efficient and has the energy density required for heavy freight traffic. The symposium will examine opportunities and possible applications on September 29, in Room 1A, from 10:00 to 15:00.
As connectivity rises in this vehicle segment and more and more telematics solutions are being used by these workhorses, another conference will look at exactly what its title states: Commercial Vehicles of the Future. It will take place on September 29, from 16:00 to 19:00, in Room 3A. Its organisers are the VDA, the Commercial Vehicle Cluster, the publisher ETM Verlag and the trade newspaper Trans Aktuell.