Engen provides the means for some gallon-vanting

Engen provides the means for some gallon-vanting

Engen Petroleum generously undertook to sponsor all the diesel required for Truck Test 2012 the day it learnt of the upcoming event. In fact, with fuel costs on the increase, the test might not have been possible without Engen’s support.

Engen Petroleum, one of South Africa’s leading petroleum product retailers, has announced that its ultra-low-sulphur diesel will be available at most of its 45 long-haul 1-stop service stations.

Pierr Roodt, retail marketing manager for the oil giant, says that despite constraints on the supply of 50 parts-per-million (50 ppm) sulphur diesel, Engen has ensured its ready availability to customers driving new diesel vehicles when travelling longer distances. “We have tried to ensure that our customers don’t run into difficulty on long-haul journeys when they have fewer options,” says Roodt.

This will be an important component of Truck Test 2012 – and is especially great news for Scania, which is entering the only Euro-5 vehicle in the test.

The test starts on May 19 and will weave its way from Johannesburg through to King Shaka International Airport in KwaZulu-Natal, ending at Zimbali near Ballito for the start of the 2012 Road Freight Association Conference on May 20.

The trucks will fuel up at Anderson Transport in Johannesburg, and again at the Ballito Convenience Centre for the trip back. Fuel economy is one of the most critical aspects in the test, so a cleaner, refined diesel will help push up results sought after by manufacturers.

Dealing with supply and demand
Engen imports 50 ppm diesel and transports it using bulk fuel trucks and ships along a distribution network front-ended by regional depots, from where Engen and contracting suppliers transport it to service stations and commercial entities in bulk fuel trucks.

Roodt says the company has a range of plans to overcome supply restrictions. “Depot capacity remains a challenge, particularly for the larger depots – Wentworth in Durban, Milnerton in Cape Town, and Langlaagte in Gauteng – but Engen is unlocking more storage for 50 ppm diesel by reconfiguring existing depot tanks and lines.”

While the company has succeeded in ensuring availability in the Gauteng region, Roodt acknowledges that demand is likely to escalate and that this will put pressure on suppliers and infrastructure – but adds: “We will continue to investigate new supply chain solutions to ensure that it meets the demand.” Truckers are urged to phone Engen’s 24-hour Customer Service Centre (0800 36 436) to verify which Engen sites stock 50 ppm sulphur diesel.

Low-sulphur diesel can be used in old and new diesel engines but is especially designed for modern diesel engines fitted with advanced emission control devices. Engen Dynamic Diesel 50 ppm also contains an advanced additive package that provides improved fuel economy and, with continuous use, improves fuel system and injector cleanliness while simultaneously reducing exhaust emissions.

So – more readily available fuel. Check. Better fuel economy. Check. Reduced exhaust emissions. Check. And free fuel for 16 trucks for an epic adventure to Durban and back. Check. It appears Engen has its generosity tank filled to the brim.

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Focus on Transport

FOCUS on Transport and Logistics is the oldest and most respected transport and logistics publication in southern Africa.
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