South African Vehicle and Bodybuilders’ Association (SAVABA)
The South African Vehicle and Bodybuilders’ Association (SAVABA), a constituent trade association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), represents manufacturers of truck and bus bodies, heavy-duty trailers and specialapplication vehicles for the transport industry.
In the intensely competitive modern business environment, today’s motor industry entrepreneur requires professional, efficient support and infrastructure that meets, and even anticipates, his or her needs. SAVABA can fill that role through a variety of products and services including: Extensive liaison on behalf of members with the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS); representation on the Customs and VAT Enforcement Caucus on issues such as the importation of goods that could negatively impact on the South African vehicle and bodybuilding industry; networking with various local and international bodies on issues that might improve the local market; close liaison with the South African Motor Body Repairers’ Association (SAMBRA) on issues of mutual interest.
Physical address:
19 Picton Street
Postal address:
P O Box 755
Director: Joy Oldale
Tel: 021 939 9440
Fax: 021 939 9336
Published by
Focus on Transport