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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees.
During a recent radio debate I put it to SANRAL CEO, Nazir Alli, that the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) had not been strategically considered from the point of view of firstly maximising the efficiency of road-based public transport, rather than spending money we don’t have on new roads
While one’s thoughts of India may naturally jump to the Indian Premier League cricket tournament currently taking place in South Africa, the subcontinent actually has much more to offer the transport world than one may think. Other aspects of Indian life may spring to mind first, but trucking is a business that runs deep in the veins of this vibrant nation. RICHARD MACASKILL explores the unique Indian trucking industry.
The sale of Volkswagen Caminhöes e Ônibus, Volkswagen’s (VW’s) Brazilian truck and bus-building operation, to affiliate MAN AG, was completed in the first quarter of 2009. The deal, valued at R13.3 billion, allows VW to focus its corporate energies on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, while setting the scene for an enormously powerful global truck alliance
Current economic conditions are squeezing the truck market tighter than predicted. The result in the first quarter of 2009 has been a surprising mix of good and bad. FRANK BEETON reports
ABSA Stadium Durban was the location of a launch that is hugely significant in the timber and forestry industry. In partnership with Scania and TOHF Trailers, Mondi Transport Technology launched Project Griffin 500 on 15 April 2009.