Category:Featured November 2010
Nein, nein, nein!
Our intrepid explorer, SHAUN CONNORS, dashes over to Germany to argue with the locals and put an 8×8 airfield crash tender through its paces…
How to stay cool, while throwing your toys out of your… truck
Trader George Gonzalez and his truck are a familiar sight on the Grand Parade in Cape Town – like an institution almost.
On with the show!
While some companies are still reeling from the recession and the dancing girls were not as plentiful as usual (presumably because of budget cuts),...
Transport of Dangerous Goods: Be prepared and compliant!
The Chemical and Allied Industries’ Association held a “Responsible Care” workshop on 16 September at the Johannesburg Country Club to put the thorny issue...
Wake up for a shake up
Anyone who thinks that it is going to be business as usual in the extra-heavy truck market better wake up, because there seems to...
Automotive industry goes green
All around the world, industries are going green. The transport industry is no exception, writes PAUL RILEY…
Doing E-business with Africa
The opening up of Africa to the Internet via submarine cables and terrestrial communications networks will provide South African logistics companies and cross-border fleet...
War and peace: Mercedes-Benz shows its clout
Military and other specialised vehicle manufacturers, notably Mercedes-Benz SA, pulled out all the stops to impress armament, civil defence buyers and the international media...