FOcus on transport and Logistics
Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.
Of coalitions and cartels
Here’s wising our new “hybrid” metro councils luck, as they try to make up lost ground and follow through on their election promises …...
Dumping drivers and diesel!
Imagine a future where transport operators don’t need drivers, or diesel! Does this sound like a pipe dream? It’s not. And it’s just around...
Seeing blue
There’s been a visible increase in police activity on Gauteng’s roads. Let’s hope it continues and achieves some meaningful results.
What about an equal playing field?
The reintroduction of a road freight transport permit system is on the cards. What are the consequences?
New Toyota Proace Van hits UK market
In his monthly review of global news for local truckers, FRANK BEETON updates European van news; looks at the newest engine braking technology from...
Advancing the auto
Allison has written another chapter in the long history of advanced automatic gearboxes, says FRANK BEETON
Model relationship!
Since 2001 the bus group comprising Kopano Bus Service, Madodi Bus Company and Mathole Bus Service has built up a relationship with its bus...
Taxi to Africa!
It is estimated that minibus taxis account for 70 percent of modal share in the cross-border road-transport industry, within the Southern African Development Community...
Heading for a healthy future
GAVIN MYERS chats to Ray Karshagen, head of the bus division at Iveco South Africa Works, to find out how Iveco Bus is getting...
Call in the sangomas?
Let’s link our upcoming elections with the recent Brexit decision, and also bring public transport into the equation …
Live demonstrations and interactive displays at Electra Mining Africa
As the largest trade show in Southern Africa and ranked as one of the world’s largest mining shows, Electra Mining Africa is a premier...
AARTO a no go?
The South African transport industry has a recurring bugbear: the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (Aarto) Act. Although not in force yet, the...