FOcus on transport and Logistics
Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.
GO!DURBAN … but where to?
A relative latecomer to the South African “mega-transport-projects league”, Durban has a long way to go before it operates optimally.
Pardon the dust
When it comes to trucking, there’s a small chance of the conversation going past durability, economy, delivery deadlines, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and unforgiving motorists....
The circus is in town
Ever seen one of those posters that reads: “Common sense: so rare it should be a super power”? No? I don’t think many South...
DAF expands Euro-6 line-up
In his monthly review of global news for local truckers, FRANK BEETON brings readers up to date on DAF’s Euro-6 product portfolio, looks more...
Going BIG!
I recently jumped at the chance to attend the world launch of the Mercedes-Benz SLT, the heavyweight star of that particular trucking family. Little...
The automated choice
Many truck manufacturers in South Africa are now fitting automated manual transmissions (AMTs) as standard equipment in their vehicles. But are they the correct...
Bussing for market share
Usage of bus services has increased since 2010, but overall quality of public transportation in South Africa has not, causing FARZANA CHAUMOO, along with...
Optare launches MetroDecker
FRANK BEETON brings us details on Optare’s new double-decker bus, and reports on Volvo’s attempts to revolutionise inner-city bus transport.
BRT in crisis at Cresta!
While South Africa is receiving new buses, trains and infrastructure, these can only be useful if they’re managed properly – which they are not.
Of Cossacks, comrades and cold …
Since the Iron Curtain rusted away, the huge continent behind it has been exposed to the West and, what was previously hidden from us,...
What’s app, JRA?
The state of Gauteng’s road infrastructure is a favourite subject of mine – its aging, crumbling foundations being the ire of daily commuters. This...
A feast of new (large) Eurovans
In his monthly review of global news for local truckers, FRANK BEETON updates the file on European integral vans, unpacks the stimulatory effect of...