FOcus on transport and Logistics
Our regular columns and sections are all contributions from leading industry figures.
Back to school
Regular readers of FOCUS know, by now, that I have committed to getting my truck driver’s licence. Getting an appointment to write my learner’s...
Don’t get iced out
“Mr Frosty” is coming to town and vehicle owners need to be prepared. Here are some important problem areas that should be taken into...
Siiiiinging in the (t)rain!
A week spent monitoring commuter rail in Durban led to some interesting observations
Tickets please
The 2014 Transport Ticketing Conference and awards highlighted some of the most innovative developments in ticketing systems from around the world. FOCUS takes a...
Volkswagen Trolleybuses in São Paulo!
FRANK BEETON reports on environmentally friendly trolleybus activity in South America
OZtentatious on every level …
Gone are striped prison garb and shackled chain gangs working along the roadside, and in are huge truck tractors shackled to multi-axle trailers –...
Hazards and heroes
Knowing the size, capabilities and limits of the vehicle you’re driving, as well as the hazards one might encounter en route, are paramount to...
Crafter goes to Poland, but Sprinter stays in Germany
In his monthly review of global news for local truckers, FRANK BEETON clarifies the situation regarding VW’s Crafter and Mercedes-Benz’s Sprinter, reviews the 2013...
KDG Logistics launches a “gamechanger”
Last month I jetted off to Durban to meet a new contender in the commercial vehicle sector. As we know, the South African roads...
Off to a good start
The first quarter of 2014 has seen strong sales of commercial vehicles, but, warns FRANK BEETON, many public holidays, and voting day, might mean...
The intricacies of Truck Test 2014
Tough healthy competition, between the truck manufacturers that entered Truck Test 2014, was evident right from the start of this year’s test. With current...
Taxiing times for cross-border travellers …
Transport for the hundreds and thousands of cross-border commuters is by any means available, from dodgy passenger vehicles to taxis and buses. KIM KEMP...