Category:Featured July 2013

Lending a technological hand
July 1, 2013

Lending a technological hand

Technology makes our lives easier, safer and more comfortable … And, for the transport industry things aren’t any different. JACO DE KLERK explores some...

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Even more boere, bakkies and boerewors
July 1, 2013

Even more boere, bakkies and boerewors

Last year JACO DE KLERK fought off the tantalising smell of boerewors and the alluring 4×4 track to bring you his report … This...

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Bigger, faster, stronger, smarter
July 1, 2013

Bigger, faster, stronger, smarter

Attracting some of the country’s top dignitaries, academic minds, business people and transport operators, this year’s Road Freight Association (RFA) Convention put the focus...

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How you’ve grown
July 1, 2013

How you’ve grown

FAW South Africa celebrates 20 years as a player in the local market this month. GAVIN MYERS spoke to national sales manager Eugene van...

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Waging war on fleet managers’ woes
July 1, 2013

Waging war on fleet managers’ woes

Theft of goods in transit, improving driver behaviour, safety and insurance claims … These are the things that fleet mangers’ nightmares are made of....

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Used or abused?
July 1, 2013

Used or abused?

Is buying second-hand vehicles a risk worth taking? And how is the market for used vehicles faring? FOCUS investigates.  

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Tyre recycling gets the green light
July 1, 2013

Tyre recycling gets the green light

Tyre recycling in South Africa may now get off the ground after a long-winded debacle and a court ruling in May. Is this the...

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Moving product from B to A: an introduction to reverse Logistics
July 1, 2013

Moving product from B to A: an introduction to reverse Logistics

Much attention is paid to getting product from manufacturers to retailers, but – as NICK DALL reports – the other side of the supply...

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